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Ford Europe CEO Trolled Elon Musk Over Car Production Tweet

| Published on July 4, 2018

Elon musk is popular for his Twitter posts and most of the times his tweets become a topic of discussion for professionals. Musk took to Twitter and posted something that got the attention of his followers. 7000 cars, 7 days, Tesla Team Musk said.


Considering that Musk expressed his criticism about Ford’s energy and Tesala achieved results like producing 5,000/week Model 3 cars , Ford’s VP of Communications Mark Turby expressed Ford’s capability to roll off a new F-150 truck every 53 seconds from its production line.
Chairman and CEO Ford, Europe, Steven Armstrong minutes after this tweet trolled Musk with a brilliant reply. Armstrong wrote that Ford could produce the same number of cars in 4 hours which Tesla took a week for. “7000 cars, circa 4 hours. Ford Team” the tweet read.


Ford’s latest response to Musk’s tweet received a notable reaction Twitter users. While some found the tweet to be funny, others criticised Armstrong’s statement.

My dream car is a ford.” Said no one ever

Ford pollutes our planet with the speed of 7K/4h

I remember Nokia posting statements like this.

It’s not Ford vs Tesla.

Tesla achieved the target of making 5,000 Model 3 and 2,000 Model S & X in one week and Musk congratulated the team for this. Some experts questioned if Tesla would be able to sustain the Model 3 production momentum as it is crucial for the long-term benefits of the company.

“There`s a big difference between making 5K Model 3 units for 1 week vs. sustaining 5K per week,” Morgan Stanley said. To meet its goals, Tesla has set up a new production place inside a tent on the campus of its Fremont factory.

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