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Meet Astro; Amazon’s New Robot Which Will Take Care Of You & Your Loved Ones

| Published on October 11, 2021

The world today revolves around Artificial Intelligence and Consumer Electronics. While personal assistants govern our lives and individuals are more and more being dependent on Alexa and Siri, it’s safe to say that the world will soon be entirely digital and augmented reality will govern multiple aspects of life. There was a time where one couldn’t have imagined that robots could be easily used in manufacturing units, much less in everyday life by the common man. However, Amazon’s Astro is here to shift the narrative and take a step forward to ensuring that technology continues to make leaps and bounds in a disruptive field.

Astro, is a robot which is designed by Amazon to assist individuals with multiple tasks such as home monitoring and checking in on your loved ones. A few of the tasks that this robot carries out include;

1) Alexa at your beck and call: Astro has the capacity to follow you from one room to another while you watch your favourite tv shows or listen to music on a loop. The robot also notifies you of incoming calls, sets reminders, timers and take photos while following you around.

2) Ring with Astro: If you are not at home, Astro, is in charge of the house. The robot will collect all data of any event happening in your absence, snap a video or photo and safe it to your Ring cloud storage for you to access it when you get back home.

3) Elderly Care: Consumers who are remotely caring for their elderly ones are at a benefit with Astro since it takes matters in it’s own hands and keeps you connected with them at all times. Right from medical alerts to reassurances to your loved ones, Astro does it all.

Astro brings you a vibrant personality, one which communicates with you and offers delightful experiences at your request. It’s personality blends in a familial environment and the robot soon becomes a member of your family.

Amazon has ensured that it maintains safety of the robot but more so, of the individuals accessing it. An advanced safety system of sensors and safety processors which allow Astro to detect any obstacle had been devised. On-device processing has also been imbibed so that Astro is able to process the information garnered by itself. It allows Astro to react quickly while so ensuring which areas in your house is forbidden that it cannot venture into. The microphone and camera switch also lets you have your privacy for when you do not want to avail its benefits.

Astro will cost an individual $1,449.99 however, in a special Day 1 Editions program, the robot will be made available for $999.99 along with the six-month trial of Ring Protect Pro. What is your take on home robots. Would you like to install one at your house? Let us know!

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